Meet the Sisters

Pellentesque orci ex, vehicula sed blandit at, pharetra ac dui. Sed posuere dui sit amet urna efficitur facilisis. Fusce ultricies eros nisl, sit amet.

It’s a never-ending road of transformation, so we’re creating pieces that will be along for the entire ride. Our collective experiences are woven together by the thread of sisterhood and God is our first designer.

sister is someone who:

  • Supports you in becoming your own, and best, version of yourself
  • Encourages you to reach for the impossible
  • Shares her own experiences to light your way forward without limiting you to the path she chose
  • Safeguards your intentions, your aspirations and your closest kept secrets


SESS RAY was founded by and for women who understand the importance of the journey to becoming your best self.


Instinctive Thinker and Strategist:

Shawknéka is gifted with both the wisdom and experience in strategic management. As our very own Miss Piggy (a boss, lol!), she seeks luxury in sequestered shops from Singapore to Dubai. She devours a good book like many of us can devour our desserts and she is a great listener who allows others to shine. But don’t put her in a box! As our residential risk-taker, she is often ahead of what’s coming in the fashion industry. You can find her rocking classic feminine one day and European grunge the next!

Shawknéka is the person who gives the best, most sentimental gifts you never knew you needed. She loves to research hard-to-find gems that leave an impact.


Instinctive Thinker and Strategist:

Shawknéka is gifted with both the wisdom and experience in strategic management. As our very own Miss Piggy (a boss, lol!), she seeks luxury in sequestered shops from Singapore to Dubai. She devours a good book like many of us can devour our desserts and she is a great listener who allows others to shine. But don’t put her in a box! As our residential risk-taker, she is often ahead of what’s coming in the fashion industry. You can find her rocking classic feminine one day and European grunge the next!

Shawknéka is the person who gives the best, most sentimental gifts you never knew you needed. She loves to research hard-to-find gems that leave an impact.


Perceptive Visionary and Experience-Designer:

Sharena can take any moment and make a production out of it: musical, play, or movie (you name it). She is detailed-oriented and sees that which others don’t see. She is in an organized genius who manages complex projects for operations to run smoothly. With experience in luxury hospitality, she knows just what it takes to make you feel special! Believing the world is her runway, you can find her strutting minimalist and maximalist finds from rock culture and the dance world.

Sharena takes the gift that Shawknéka thought of and comes up with the most beautiful unwrapping experience, with hand-crafted notes, doves flying, and harps playing in the background.


Perceptive Visionary and Experience-Designer:

Sharena can take any moment and make a production out of it: musical, play, or movie (you name it). She is detailed-oriented and sees that which others don’t see. She is in an organized genius who manages complex projects for operations to run smoothly. With experience in luxury hospitality, she knows just what it takes to make you feel special! Believing the world is her runway, you can find her strutting minimalist and maximalist finds from rock culture and the dance world.

Sharena takes the gift that Shawknéka thought of and comes up with the most beautiful unwrapping experience, with hand-crafted notes, doves flying, and harps playing in the background.


Eloquent Communicator and Numbers Queen:

Shar-Né is the creative communicator of the brand and she never meets a stranger (of any age). She is a pocket-full of sunshine and loves to sing while she works. She calculates risks and is intentional around the growth of the brand without compromising the legacy of the sisters. She can seamlessly show up in bohemian-with-a-twist or match different prints with color blocking. She’s confident in her style and how she shows up in life.

Shar-Né ensures that any gift leaves a lasting impression/investment for the one receiving it. She enjoys hearing the story of the journey to be you. She has a gift to connect and relate to others through testimonies of life’s experiences.


Eloquent Communicator and Numbers Queen:

Shar-Né is the creative communicator of the brand and she never meets a stranger (of any age). She is a pocket-full of sunshine and loves to sing while she works. She calculates risks and is intentional around the growth of the brand without compromising the legacy of the sisters. She can seamlessly show up in bohemian-with-a-twist or match different prints with color blocking. She’s confident in her style and how she shows up in life.

Shar-Né ensures that any gift leaves a lasting impression/investment for the one receiving it. She enjoys hearing the story of the journey to be you. She has a gift to connect and relate to others through testimonies of life’s experiences.


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